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tax on imports中文是什么意思

用"tax on imports"造句"tax on imports"怎么读"tax on imports" in a sentence


  • 进口税


  • Waiter : i ' m sorry , sir . but we have to pay high taxes on imported drink
  • There is a 21 % tax on imported aircraft , for those who do not like the look of chinese - built machines
    对那些不想买国产飞机的人来讲,进口飞机要交纳21 %的进口税。
  • As a rule of thumb , a one - cent - a - gallon gasoline tax raises $ 1 billion . oil producers in president - elect bush ' s adopted state of texas , however , would rather see a tax on imported crude oil
  • As a rule of thumb , a one - cent - a - gallon gasoline tax raises $ 1 billion . oil producers in president - elect bush ' s adopted state of texas , however , would rather see a tax on imported crude oil
  • Hsinchu science - based industrial park hsip established in 1980 the hsinchu science - based industrial park hsip , offers several incentives to attract business , including five - year tax exemptions as well as exemptions from import duties , commodity tax , and business tax on importing machinery and equipment for self use , as well as raw materials , and semi finished products
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